Trick or Treat! Sweet Goodies from the Design Team

 Are you all set for the Trick or Treating to begin? Sit back and grab some of that candy before the kids get there and enjoy these sweet goodies from the Design Team.

Batty For You

Sue tries 3 different finishing techniques on one design.

Batty4 U Sue @ File used:Batty 4 U Card



Give a Treat of Cocoa or Spiced Apple Cider

Sue’ Spooky Cup Cards are a big hit.

Dracula Spooky Cup Card Sue @ File used:Spooky Cup Cards


Each character is a pocket card and has an insert that will hold a cocoa packet. Or spiced cider. Yum!

Dracula Spooky Cup Card Sue @ File used:Spooky Cup Cards

Dracula Spooky Cup Card Sue @ File used:Spooky Cup Cards

Making it Personal for the Grandkids

 Shirley has 2 little granddaughters that add a high degree of love and inspiration to her paper crafting….

Owl and Kitty Belly Treat Boxes Shirley @ Files used: Black Cat Belly Box Trio  and Owl Gradution Trio



A Haunted Village With Boxes Full of Treats

Tracy turned the Country Village Houses into a Haunted House theme for Halloween.

Haunted House Box Trio Tracy @ File used:Country Village House Boxes


Sarah’s Spooky Memory Dex Cards

If you love Halloween, you’ll love browsing Sarah’s blog for October. Besides being really into the fall festivities she also has a love for the memory dex cards and made this spooky set of 3.

Saving Spooky Memories  Sarah @ File used:Rolo Memory Dex Dividers


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Star Dome Candy Holder
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