Happy Planning ~ with Cyndy G.

Hello crafty friends.  Today I am sharing with you some versatile planning files from My Scrap Chick.  I use a planner for work, so I was happy to see planners make it into the crafty world.  Its nice to have a planner made with my favorite papers!

I started with the Mini Planner Pockets.  This kit comes with three different pocket styles.

I am going to use mine to keep my receipts in.

I love this paper!  It is Graphic 45 – A Time To Flourish.  

It’s just beautiful!

There are several different planners types available in multiple sizes.  You can see everything currently available here – Planners.

Thank you for stopping by.  I would love to see your planner pages, 

please stop by the My Scrap Chick fb page and share a picture.

Do what inspires you,

Cyndy G.



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