Chocolate Bunny Gift Box for Easter

Here’s a new design just in time for Easter.


The Chocolate Bunny Box is simple and quick, yet elegant and perfect for all those gorgeous papers you’ve been saving for something special. This Bunny Box really showcases those pretty prints.


Chocolate Bunny Box


Take a look at the beautiful watercolor papers Julie used for her bunny. It’s the perfect fit. The print really does become the focal point of her basket.


Chocolate Bunny Box See Julie’s Blogpost at Julie’s Creations Product File: Chocolate Bunny Box

Julie added a little googly eye to her bunny and it’s perfect. The Bunny would also work with bold prints, fun dots or pastel stripes.


 The finished box is 6″ wide from nose to tail and 6″ tall to the tips of his ears and 2-3/4″ wide.


 We also made a simple flat fold shape card to go with the box….


Chocolate Bunny Shape Card


Share photos of your own projects with us. Plus see even more designs from the design team  and other papercrafters at

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