Card in a Box Made Easy

I don’t care what the weather man says, we’re starting our spring crafting.

Cyndy already has spring flowers in her garden to use as this colorful backdrop on her

Easter Chick card.

Cyndy used the Box in a Card Sets set along with the Easter Chicks to make this cheery little spring card. 

Cyndy G Time Made For Me

 You can personalize any Box in Card with your own embellishments, stickers, paper flowers or paper piecing characters.  This is half the fun, so go wild, or not….it’s up to you. 

Boxes fold flat for mailing or for storing. Each box set includes 3 different flap styles.

 Box in a Card are perfect for adding little images and colored digis for Valentines.

Cute Little Valentines Sarah loaded up her Box in a Card with hand colored digis. Sarah @Paper Tree
Ninotchka @ Parties n’ Cards added her signature felted heart to the front of her Box in a Card Valentine, then popped in some cute Valentine stickers and embellishments.

The Box in a Card designs come in 3 different size sets. A2, 5″ square and 5×7. Each set includes 3 flap styles as shown. You will find a tutorial in the PDF included with the cutting files.

Enjoy and HAPPY SPRING!! Hope your local weather man is forecasting warmer weather your way.




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