Add a Touch of “Handmade with Love” to Gift Cards


We love to shop for gifts but sometimes it’s really hard to know just what to pick for some people. And how many times have you found the perfect gift only to discover the shipping costs are almost as much as the gift itself. Those are the times it makes perfect sense to pick out a gift card instead.


So you bought the gift card to their favorite place to shop, you get ready to wrap it all up and suddenly you start to feel that pang in your heart like it’s just so impersonal. You almost start to feel bad. 


But wait!….they all know how much you love to play with paper right? Right! So get those Christmas papers out and make a hand made gift card holder. They’ll know you cared to put your own personal touch to their awesome gift. You were thinking of them when you put that cute card together. And now it feels so right. Perfect!



 Gift Card Holders for Christmas feature 6 different designs. Tabs on the inside hold the gift card in place.


 The Snowman Gift Card Holder

is a light hearted design and really suitable for any age. Tabs on the inside hold the gift card in place.





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